All talks are held at the Wild Birds Unlimited store in Medford, OR unless otherwise specified. As space is very limited, please come in or call to reserve your seat, 541-772-2107


Sunday,  March 16th  2-3 pm

"Nesting Season: Becoming a Good Bird Landlord"

presented by Laura Fleming

Nesting season is just around the corner...are you ready to be a bird landlord?  We will talk about avian architecture, choosing an appropriate nesting box, the different stages of the nesting season, behaviors to watch for, and how to deal with potential predators and problems.  Bring your curiosity and questions.  Space is limited to 20 participants so come in or call the store to reserve your seat today.


Sunday, April 13th  2-3pm

"Native Plants for Birds and Pollinators"

presented by Max McClarnon

Max will talk about the advantages of planting native plants for the birds in your garden while discussing what to plant and who they will attract throughout the year.  Bring your curiosity and questions. Space is limited to 20 participants so come in or call the store to reserve your seat today.