All talks are held at the Wild Birds Unlimited store in Medford, OR unless otherwise specified. As space is very limited, please come in or call to reserve your seat, 541-772-2107



Sunday, September 29th  1 - 2:30pm

“Common Waterbirds of the Klamath Refuge and Inviting the Kids”, presented by Shannon Rio

This presentation is to acquaint you with how to go to the refuge and what you might see when you get there. Maps of the refuge will be provided. A book will be featured that invites you to take some young person (or any age person) to the refuge to learn about the wonders of the waterfowl in the refuge. Klamath Wildlife Refuge was designated the first waterfowl refuge in 1908.
Common Waterbirds of the Klamath Basin is a book of photos with light-hearted script. It will be for sale for $25 and is meant to be a guide to both identify and learn about the unique waterfowl that visit this magical refuge.