Come Join Us for Our Next Bird Walk(s)



RVAS First Wednesday of every month Bird Walk at Denman Wildlife Refuge                                    

Wednesday, August 7th

Jim Hostick from RVAS will be leading a bird walk and count the first Wednesday of every month at Denman Wildlife Refuge in White City, located at the Agate Road entrance in White City, (about 1/4+ mile past the fire station on the left).  This is an ongoing citizen science project, the numbers of different species observed by walk participants are entered in the Cornell Ornithological Laboratory's eBird database. The gate will be opened at 8:00am and closed at 8:20am,  walk begins at 8:30am, and participants will need to purchase a ODFW parking permit.  They can be purchased at the ODFW office on E. Gregory Rd. or any retailer that sells hunting and fishing licenses.

Bird Walks leaving from Wild Birds Unlimited:

With Erin Linton and/or Max McClarnon as our leader(s).    

 All walks (unless otherwise specified): Meet at Wild Birds Unlimited @ 9:00 am, wear layers of clothing appropriate for the weather and good walking shoes that can get wet and muddy.  Bring binoculars, a field guide, water and any snacks desired, along with paper and pen or smart phone to record/eBird species seen.  As space is limited to 9 participants, please reserve your spot today by calling the store or coming in to register.


Saturday, August 10th  9am

Max McClarnon will be leading a bird walk to Mt. Ashland (Grouse Gap) this Saturday.  Come get out of the valley heat!  Limited to 9 participants.